The Living Faith World Ministries Covenant Fellowship (LFWMCF) encourages unity, provides a spiritual covering for pastors, builds healthy relationships, and connects and establishes churches together while promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our goal is to help build bridges with pastors, cultivate leaders and believers of like mind so that together we can expand, enlarge, advance, and further the kingdom of God. This legal spiritual covenant communicates a language of love and loyalty for souls. We pledge to work together in Christian love through the power of the Holy Spirit.
What We Offer
Living Faith World Ministries Covenant Fellowship offers pastors and churches a spiritual covering, ministry resources, leadership training, mentoring, prayer, and support. In addition, Covenant Fellowship partners enjoy direct contact with overseer, special seating at ministry events, discount prices on ministry products, and special times of fellowship. You can choose to become a Fellowship Church or a Covenant Church. Each option has its benefits and requirements. Pastors and churches are held to the highest biblical standards of ministry. We would love for you to join our Covenant Fellowship today. Please pray and consult God as you make a commitment to work together in unity.
Fellowship Churches
Fellowship Churches will fellowship with Living Faith World Ministries in service, prayer, ministry events, and community involvement. We will stand together as one force in an effort to spread the Gospel throughout our communities and nations. We will offer support in prayer, teaching, and other resources as led by God.
Covenant Churches
Covenant Churches will fall under the spiritual covering of Living Faith World Ministries Covenant Fellowship. These churches/organizations will submit to the doctrine and beliefs of said ministry. Covenant Churches will assume a relationship status with the fellowship that will allow them additional benefits as per their commitment.
Please Read Covenant Fellowship Agreement and then Complete Covenant Fellowship Application.